Educational Opportunities

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Virtual adoption

Transform a Life with a click

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Virtually adopt and bring joy, education, and opportunity to those who need it most. Join us at Shelter of Love, where every virtual adoption creates a real impact."


Virtual adoption through Shelter of Love is a transformative initiative aimed at supporting orphaned children. Adopt a child to provide financial assistance and emotional backing to in need, fostering their holistic development.

What is Virtual Adoption?

When sponsoring a child

You first receive a short biography of your sponsored child, including their hobbies, hopes, and favorite memories at Shelter of love Approximately every four months thereafter, you will receive an additional update. These updates may include photos, videos, letters or drawings, and more. Your support ensures your sponsored child receives one of the best educations in the world, and through these regular updates, you get to watch them grow and learn

Invest to make

a beautiful future

Monthly sponsor

Annual sponsor

FAQs about sponsporing

What is each update like ?

Does the cost of sponsorship increase ?

What is the difference between monthly and annual sponsorship?

Can i send sponsor a gift ?

Can i write back to my sponsor student ?

Emotional Support


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Shelter of Love by (HWCT) Next to Jairam apartments, Pazar Talav Road, Wakipada, Naigaon East, Mumbai - 401208, Maharashtra.


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